How Much to Charge for a Simple Wordpress Website - Freelancing

Photo by Tranmautritam from Pexels

If you are Freelancing for the first time, it is your first project and you're confused with amount you should charge with your client, then you're on the right place. If you've to design a simple static website and you're a single person team, then cost of website depends on certain elements and things.

Hello, In this blog we'll be looking for how to calculate a website cost in your freelancing career. When I'd to design my first website then I was very confused that how much to charge for a simple static website. There was no any certain amount that I should charge for my website, and it was right though. Because Cost of any website is independent of any element. It always depends on how big is your team, what type of website is it. Is is static or dynamic?, which type of hosting are you using, which tools do you use to create that website and a lot things. 
But I'm very sure that at starting it is very confusing, because we think that we should charge neither more nor less than a fixed amount. Believe me it is nothing like that. There is no certain amount for any website it all depends on who you are what are your requirements to build that website.
You can also follow some tips that I'll give so that you will not 
not repeat those mistakes. I build my first project with Wordpress. I know you'll say how is this a  mistake. It is a mistake because I did use  Wordpress Website Builder Online which you should not do because there was a lot of difficulties there. 
Of course you will have to minimize cost of something but not like that. I charged my client around 5000 rupee which I thought was  a decent amount . You will not believe it but at starting I was so confused that I thought of charging just 720 rupee for a full 12 pages website with responsive templates and all those things. LoL

Finally, coming to the point How to Calculate Your First Website Cost :
  1. First Calculate price of those things which are certain, like Domain, Hosting, Theme(if you are buying any premium theme), or any thing you buy for the website.
  2. Then comes the real difficulty i.e, calculating cost of the pages and whole website.
  3. This calculation depends on how you want to calculate i.e, you want to calculate cost of pages or elements or just estimate the price of whole website.
  4. If you want to calculate pages wise as I did because there were 12 pages in my case, so try to evaluate a decent amount for per page.
  5. Finally keep all those price and calculate total, and yeah! you have your first website charge.
Keep one thing in mind there is no any certain amount like MRP that you'll have to charge this much amount for this type of website. Be very clear and charge very decent for some starting project. Don't focus Majorly on revenue, Focus Majorly on Ratings. Try to put all your efforts in that project so that you client will rate best.

Till then keep Growing. Thank You

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